马尔代夫代表性食物英文(Iconic Maldivian Dishes A Culinary Journey to the Tropical Paradise)


Iconic Maldivian Dishes: A Culinary Journey to the Tropical Paradise

The Maldives is a tropical paradise located in the Indian Ocean, known for its crystal clear waters, pristine beaches, and breathtaking scenery. Not only is it a haven for travelers seeking relaxation and adventure, but also for those looking to indulge in some of the most delicious and unique cuisine in the world. In this article, we'll take you on a culinary journey to discover some of the most iconic Maldivian dishes.


Garudhiya is a classic Maldivian fish soup that is the staple of the local cuisine. It is made with fresh fish, typically tuna, ginger, garlic, onion, and curry leaves, cooked in a broth of water and salt. The soup is served hot with rice or roshi, a thin and flaky flatbread. The dish is simple yet flavorful, and its ingredients showcase the freshness and quality of the seafood available in the Maldives.

Mas Huni

Mas huni is a traditional Maldivian breakfast dish that is made with grated smoked tuna mixed with finely chopped onions, chili, and coconut. The mixture is then seasoned with salt and lime juice and served with roshi or chapati, a type of Indian flatbread. This dish is a perfect representation of the Maldivian cuisine; it is simple yet delicious, and the fusion of different flavors and cultures creates a unique and unforgettable taste.

Bis Keemiya

Bis keemiya is a popular Maldivian snack that is similar to Indian samosas. It is a pastry filled with a mixture of boiled and mashed potato and tuna, seasoned with onion, chili, and spices. The pastry is then deep-fried until crispy and golden brown. Bis keemiya is a delicious and satisfying snack that is perfect for on-the-go snacking, or as a side dish to your main meal.


Rihaakuru is a traditional Maldivian condiment that is made with shredded tuna that has been cooked and simmered with salt and spices until it turns into a thick paste. The paste is then stored in a jar and used as a flavoring agent for many Maldivian dishes, including rice, curry, and casseroles. Rihaakuru has a rich and savory flavor and adds depth and complexity to any dish it is added to.

Garudiya with Rihaakuru

Garudiya with rihaakuru is a popular Maldivian dish that combines the classic fish soup with the flavorful condiment. The fish soup is cooked as usual with ginger, garlic, onion, and curry leaves, but the rihaakuru is added towards the end of the cooking process to infuse the soup with its savory flavor. The dish is then served hot with rice or roshi. This dish is a true representation of the Maldivian cuisine; it is simple yet delicious, and the fusion of different flavors and cultures creates a unique and unforgettable taste.

In conclusion, the Maldives is not only a beautiful vacation destination but also a culinary paradise. The unique blend of local flavors and cultural influences creates a cuisine that is both simple and sophisticated, showcasing the freshness and quality of the local ingredients. Whether you're a seafood lover or an adventurous eater, the Maldives has something for everyone.